*As Skål International continues to connect and empower travel industry leaders worldwide, ensuring a robust and diverse membership base is critical...
*In times of hardship, it’s the support of a community that can make all the difference. * The Florimond Volckaert Fund [1] stands as a beacon of ho...
*We have many exciting plans for the upcoming Skål International World Congress that we would like to share with you...* ...including colorful events ...
**Ethnic and cultural diversity enriches us as a society and gives meaning to tourism. To highlight its importance, Presidents of Skål International C...
Toni Ritter Director Media, Public Relations, Branding & Marketing *In the vibrant world of global tourism, embracing ethnicity and cultural diversit...
*Skål International is delighted to announce that the 2023 Trafficking Sub-Committee which was part of the Advocacy, Global Partnerships & Trade Shows...
*In the dynamic world of global organizations, effective leadership often takes center stage.* Skål International is no exception. While individual le...
*We would like to give a well-deserved recognition to all the candidates who have applied as directors and auditors to continue working for the future...
*The Sustainable Tourism Awards initiative has been selected by UNWTO to become part of the Affiliate Members Programme of Work 2024-2025.* This ini...
Annette Cardenas Senior Vice President *In less than 20 days we will be holding our Annual General Assembly.* Change will be a part of this years’ a...
*By Jose Luis Quintero, Skål International WTTC Delegate* *WTTC President Julia Simpson has just returned from the G20 meeting in Goa, India, where s...
*Skål International is delighted to announce that they have signed a MOU with the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) [1] .* This partnership will ...
*As we all know, the International Skål Council (ISC) is coming to the end of its role in the Skål International as we get ready to the Skål Interna...